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2017-01-21 19:08 · Reply · (0)
RoombikSt * Danielchugs IRobot Roomba 980 was the revolutionary product iRobot, and very nice to meet so many new technologies the robot. "This is our the most perfect robot, the history of robots Roomba," said Colin angle, CEO and co-founder of iRobot, at a press conference in New York. "It's still round, still a great cleaner, but this is a completely new robot."

Terms of the equipment various sensors, vacuum cleaner iRobot was a bit behind the main competitors, when with the advent in recent years on the market vacuum cleaners with mapping the environment and navigation. the navigation features and mapping of the environment. We are not saying that iRobot behind, because the company stays practically 70 percent of the world market of robotic vacuum cleaners, but this someone can think about when Roomba zigzags moves around the room, in comparison with other vacuum cleaners, moving neat straight lines that Roomba was not able to. To be sure that it will never happen, iRobot answers the call. They worked on this technology over the past years and now to see results. The app Android or iPhone allows to set a schedule cleaning customize the functions of cleaning and other settings without touching your robot from anywhere in the world.

Video review can view here: http://bit.ly/2jv8QVj

<a href=http://u.to/VoKkDw><IMG>http://i12.pixs.ru/storage/1/3/5/fit650x800_8676757_24773135.jpg</IMG></a>
2017-01-21 19:09 · Reply · (0)
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2017-01-21 21:31 · Reply · (0)
RoombikTymn * Danielchugs IRobot Roomba 980 is quite a thorough product from iRobot, and very nice to meet so many new technologies this robot vacuum cleaner. "This is our most perfect robot, the history of robots Roomba," said Colin angle, CEO and co-founder of iRobot, at a press conference in New York. "It's still round, still a good cleaner, but this is a completely new robot."

In the equipment sensors, robots vacuum cleaner iRobot was a little behind some of the competitors, with the advent in recent years on the market vacuum cleaners with mapping the environment and navigation. the navigation features and mapping of the environment. We are not saying that iRobot behind, because the company remains almost 70 percent of the world market of robotic vacuum cleaners, but this someone can think about when Roomba zigzags moves around the room, in comparison with other vacuum cleaners, moving straight lines that Roomba was not able to. To be sure that it will never happen, iRobot answers the call. They worked on this technology over the past years and now we can proudly look at results. The app Android or iPhone allows to set a schedule cleaning the and different settings without touching your robot from anywhere in the world.

Video review can view on the direct link on YouTube: http://u.to/HIOkDw

<a href=http://goo.gl/379zFD><IMG>http://i12.pixs.ru/storage/1/3/5/fit650x800_8676757_24773135.jpg</IMG></a>
2017-01-21 22:27 · Reply · (0)
Roombiksor * Danielchugs IRobot Roomba 980 was the revolutionary product iRobot, and very nice to meet so many new technologies the robot. "This is our most perfect robot, since the company released the first vacuum cleaner Roomba," said Colin angle, one of the founders of iRobot, the CEO of the company, at a press conference in New York. "It's still round, still a great cleaner, but this is a completely new robot."

In the equipment various sensors, vacuum cleaner iRobot was a little behind some of the competitors, with the advent in recent years on the market vacuum cleaners with mapping the environment and navigation. the navigation features and mapping of the environment. We are not saying that iRobot behind, because the company remains practically 70 percent of the world market of robotic vacuum cleaners, but this someone can think about when Roomba zigzags moves around the room, in comparison with other vacuum cleaners, moving straight lines that Roomba was not able to. To be sure that it will never happen, iRobot answers the call. They worked on this technology over the past years and now we can proudly look at results. The app iPhone or Android phone allows to set a schedule cleaning the and different settings without touching your robot.

Crash test under non-standard conditions can view on the direct link on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2jbqn5c

<a href=http://goo.gl/iL6E4b><IMG>http://i12.pixs.ru/storage/1/3/5/fit650x800_8676757_24773135.jpg</IMG></a>
2017-01-21 23:11 · Reply · (0)
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2017-01-21 23:18 · Reply · (0)
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2017-01-22 00:37 · Reply · (0)
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2017-01-22 00:39 · Reply · (0)
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2017-01-22 00:40 · Reply · (0)
RoombikJek * Danielchugs IRobot Roomba 980 was the revolutionary product iRobot, certainly very nice to meet so many modern technologies the robot. "This is our the most perfect robot, since the company released the first vacuum cleaner Roomba," said Colin angle, one of the founders of iRobot, the CEO of the company, at a press conference in New York. "It's still round, still a great cleaner, but this is a completely new robot."

Terms of the equipment sensors, vacuum cleaner iRobot was a little behind some of the competitors, with the advent in recent years on the market vacuum cleaners with mapping the environment and navigation. the navigation features and mapping of the environment. We are not saying that iRobot behind, because the company stays almost 70 percent of the world market of robotic vacuum cleaners, but this someone can think about when Roomba zigzags moves around the room, in comparison with other vacuum cleaners, moving straight lines that Roomba was not able to. To be sure that it will never happen, iRobot answers the call. They worked on this technology over the past years and now to see results. The app Android or iPhone allows to set a schedule cleaning customize the functions of cleaning and different settings without touching your robot from anywhere in the world.

Crash test under non-standard conditions can view here: http://u.to/uYOkDw

<a href=http://bit.ly/2irDeyi><IMG>http://i12.pixs.ru/storage/1/3/5/fit650x800_8676757_24773135.jpg</IMG></a>
2017-01-22 00:43 · Reply · (0)

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